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Chill Pill

These characters all work at a clinic for faster and more efficient medical care. It’s quite obscure but the workers get the job done...most of the time. Killing/murder is strictly prohibited.

Paracetamol: Two sides to the same coin. On the clock, he’s rather brash, cold and bitter— strict and condescending with patients. He says it’s because of protocol as the rules state that in order for the patient to safely take the medicine, they must be in a certain frame of mind to do so— he just takes it too far, much like a switch in his brain. It may be an alter ego or a disorder. None of the clinic founders have been able to find out as of yet. When he isn’t working he’s: polite, welcoming, friendly and very reliable but there is only so much he can do. If the patient displays reactions to pain of a much larger scale, they will be transferred. If Paracetamol has too many patients however, he can become susceptible to overdosing on...himself. The limit hasn’t yet been gauged so his breaks are based on his behaviour. If it seems like he’s becoming slower mentally and physically, he’ll be ordered to close up for the day and rest.


In order to take paracetamol, the patient is asked to sit, close their eyes and open their mouth as wide as possible. There, Para will insert two or more fingers without touching the patient in any way and disperse his powder down their throat. This makes it easier for the drug to go straight into their bloodstream and take effect.

Vaccine: Vaccine is germophobic bookworm. He prides himself on being knowledgeable and more reliable than the rest, however as he is more significant to saving a patient’s life, he was sentenced to private medical schooling in order to unlock his full potential. He is rather studious and quite proud but also timid and paranoid. His childhood friend is Heimlich as they were born around about the same time.


As he takes after the form of a syringe, he has fangs. In order to give patients their vaccinations, he is to bite them in the area they would otherwise be injected.

Heimlich: The Heimlich manoeuvre. His sole purpose is to save choking victims. His past however is rather dark and so had to be covered up lest the clinic be branded with a bad reputation.


As Heimlich is different to his other colleagues/siblings in the sense that he is essentially a method Process. Verb. Not a medication— His make up is rather unique. Kinetic energy runs in his veins so he will not bleed. The issue with this is that kinetic energy in large amounts can be catastrophic.

When Heimlich was born, he was basically a bulldozer. He knew nothing but action and couldn’t speak yet. He’d destroy everything in sight and so had to be ‘put down’ or ‘redone’. This left a scar on the tip of his left shoulder. (Lethal injection scar.)


Upon being reborn, he was tamer...too tame. When coming into contact with a choking dummy, he only watched it struggle and writhe until death with a blank expression. And so, another do-over was needed.


Next rebirth had him almost completely normal. He was obedient but begun developing his own personality. He’d become flippant and soon rebellious. The clinic founders overlooked it as a phase and allowed him the chance to have his first try at saving a choking patient as he’d managed to convince them that he was ready. Bad move. His first patient was violent and erratic. They wouldn’t let him touch them and continued running. Irritated by this, Heimlich grabbed them, growing violent himself. Trying to hold them still, he used his built-up energy too quickly and managed to break their neck. No remorse. This sent a wave of bad news through the press and the clinic begun to sink.


As a result, Heimlich was locked up in a freezer room in the hopes that the cold would slow down energy storage system. The founders thought it a good idea to leave this experience in his memory banks as it would deter him from doing it again once he was let out. Another wrong move. This caused a lot of animosity and resentment to grow within him as he was made to play back those events within his subconscious during his comatose period. 2 weeks. When he was let out, he wouldn’t speak or look at anybody but behaved himself up until he was permitted another attempt at saving a patient. This was his plan.




On his first day of class, he came in late. After being scolded, he challenged the tutor but wasn’t taken up on the offer and was put in his place. Sulking, he sat and listened to the teachings. As he was listening however, there were things he’d picked up on.


The scolding wasn’t degrading and he admired how this tutor was able to render him without a comeback. The way he spoke. It was unusual to him as he himself didn’t take seriously anything academical, but this was different. Fascinating. He’d find himself staring, forgetting to keep ignoring the lesson as to emphasise the fact that he didn’t care. His face. Could he call it handsome? He wasn’t sure. He just remembered the word but wasn’t sure where he’d learned it from. He knew he liked to see his tutor though. But one thing he was absolutely certain of was that he enjoyed being scolded by this person— causing trouble would always be worth it if this person would be the only one to reprimand him.


When Vaccine is praised for being a good student, Heimlich displays obvious signs of jealousy and so will act up just for the attention. His tutor is like a game he’d constantly want to play with and never grow bored. Next to that, he’s curious about his own attraction and so wants to push it whenever he can, so he will flirt casually without any regards to the mood. More often than not, that’s during detention.

Ethanol: (rubbing alcohol). Really shitty at flute playing. Helps patients by puking alcohol on the wounds or into a cloth to wash the wound. As a result of this, his fluids get drained quickly so he becomes his version of anaemic. From there, he’s to be transferred to ‘farm/hospital’ having his fluids replenished for over a period of a few days to weeks— it depends. Anaemia can occur sooner or later.


He’s also Heimlich’s best friend.

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